The Cry of the 3rd Aethyr,[1] Which is Called ZON[2]
3. "The Magus of the Tarot. (Atu 1). Mayan, the Maker of
Illusion. The Seer in Illusion (Lilith)."
New Gnosis: Nature of Choronzon.
There is an angry light in the stone; now it is become clear.
In the centre is that minute point of light which is the true Sun, and
in the circumference is the Emerald Snake. And joining them are the rays
which are the plumes of Maat, and because the distance is infinite,
therefore are they parallel from the circumference, although they diverge
from the centre.
The “Emerald Snake” appeared in the 20th Aethyr as the rim of the Wheel in the Fortune Atu; suggesting Jupiter (and Chesed).